Sport Workshops & Education Sessions

The Town of Aurora hosts a variety of courses and workshops to support the growth and development of both sport organizations and their members.
   » Please check back regularly for more courses and workshops!

National Coaches Certification Program (N.C.C.P.)

N.C.C.P. Fundamental Movement Skills (F.M.S.)
Date - Thursday, December 5
Time - 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (30 minute lunch)
Location - Aurora Town Square (Nicols Foundation Program Room)
Program - Free to attend. Registration will open on Tuesday, October 15.
Participants - Ages 15+ years old for this certification course.

Register Online - Fundamental Movement Skills

This program is hosted by the Town of Aurora.

For more information on course deliverables, please visit the N.C.C.P. Fundamental Movement Skills website (Coaches of Ontario). 

Coaches Association of Ontario (C.A.O.) and the Town of Aurora have entered into an agreement to host in-person National Coaching Certification Program (N.C.C.P.) courses at Aurora Town Square.

The National Coaches Certification Program (N.C.C.P.) is the cornerstone of coach education in Canada. Coaches of all 65 federally recognized sports receive their training and certification through the N.C.C.P. The N.C.C.P. is for coaches at every context and for those coaching every age of athlete.

N.C.C.P. workshops are designed for all types of coaches. Whether you’re thinking about coaching your child’s community team or you’re already the head coach of a national team, the N.C.C.P. has workshops to meet your needs.
Target Audience

This session is appropriate for anyone aged 15+ involved in sport. Athletes, coaches, administrators, officials and parents are encouraged to attend.

Key Insights
  • Detect and correct basic errors for fundamental movement skills in participants so they have a choice to adopt a healthy, active lifestyle;
  • Apply a teaching process to fundamental movement skills;
  • Adapt fundamental movement skills for participants with intellectual, physical, sensory or behavioural disabilities;
  • Lead activities that will promote the development of fundamental movement skills in a safe, responsible manner while interacting with others; and
  • Provide stage-appropriate feedback to encourage and develop fundamental movement skills in participants.

Coaching Girls in Sport

Join us for a 2-part Lunch & Learn workshop called "Coaching Girls in Sport".

Each workshop is 60 minutes, and focuses on the needs of girls in sport, how to create a safe space, best practices in adapting practices and training sessions to meet the needs of girls. Both sessions are led by national expert, Jane King. Jane is a former teacher and has worked with Canadian Women in Sport on gender equity initiatives and is an N.C.C.P. and High Five trainer. She is a leader in this space, and we excited to provide this virtual platform to learn from her.

Workshop 1: Building a Positive Climate for Coaching Female Athletes
Date - Monday, December 2
Time - 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

Register Online - Workshop 1

Workshop 2: Coaching the Female Athlete for Long Term Athlete Development
Date - Wednesday, December 11
Time - 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

Register Online - Workshop 2

Important Details

  • Workshops are free to attend.
  • Registration is required.
  • Recommended to attend both sessions, but not mandatory.
  • Appropriate for anyone 15+ years old involved in coaching.
Workshops Information

Workshop 1: Building a Positive Climate for Coaching Female Athletes

The core of this material is geared to provide Sport and Recreation Leaders strategies to develop and deliver programming that supports the needs of girls. The differences between coaching girls and boys are identified, and then practical strategies that can be implemented into their coaching practices are explained throughout the presentation.

Key Learning Outcomes

  • identify the fundamentals to positive coaching for female athletes 
  • recognize the reasons why girls quit sport 
  • strategies to incorporate into coaching practices that promote more athlete engagement

Workshop 2: Coaching the Female Athlete for Long Term Athlete Development 

The key fundamentals for coaching girls are once again outlined. The second part of the presentation is more detailed where the growth and development of female athletes is outlined. Canadian Sport for Life and Long Term Athlete development principles are incorporated into the presentation to help coaches understand the dangers of over-training, early specialization and the risks of injury in female athletes.

Key Learning Outcomes

  • Key strategies for coaching female athletes
  • The importance of Physical Literacy
  • Provide an overview of the Canadian Sport for Life principles
Why Should I Attend

1. Understanding Gender-Specific Needs

Physiological and Psychological Differences: Girls and boys often have different needs and respond differently to coaching due to biological, developmental, and psychological factors. Understanding these differences can help coaches create more effective, customized training plans.

Building Confidence: Female athletes may face unique social pressures and barriers in sports. Coaches who understand these challenges can create supportive environments that empower girls, helping them build confidence and stay engaged. 

2. Preventing Dropout in Female Athletes

High Dropout Rates: Many girls quit sports during adolescence due to lack of enjoyment, poor coaching experiences, or feeling unsupported. These workshops help coaches understand why this happens and how to combat it by fostering a more positive and inclusive sports environment.

Retention Strategies: By learning engagement techniques, coaches can increase the chances of girls continuing in sports, which is critical for their physical, emotional, and social development. 

3. Promoting Long-Term Athlete Development (L.T.A.D.)

Balanced Development: Workshop 2 emphasizes long-term planning to ensure that athletes progress safely and sustainably without over-training or specializing too early, which can lead to burnout or injury.

Physical Literacy: Coaches learn how to promote physical literacy, ensuring athletes develop essential movement skills, which are crucial for long-term success and well-being, regardless of whether they continue in sports competitively.

4. Creating Inclusive, Supportive Spaces

Positive Coaching Culture: Coaches can play a crucial role in shaping an athlete’s experience. Learning how to build a positive coaching climate helps create a space where female athletes feel valued and encouraged, fostering their passion for sports and building a lifelong connection to physical activity.

Equality in Sports: These workshops promote awareness of the importance of equitable coaching for female athletes, ensuring they receive the same quality of support and development opportunities as their male counterparts. 

In summary, these workshops are important for anyone aiming to improve the experience of female athletes, increase retention in sports, and support their healthy, long-term development.

Hailey Jones
Sport & Community Development Specialist