Shown in $000's

A. Reserves for Existing Infrastructure
Infrastructure Sustainability (Repair & Replacement)
 $000’sBylaw Schedule or ReferenceClosing Balance as of December 31, 2023
Tax Rate Funded
Roads & Related R&R RR1


Federal Gas Tax Reserve RR2 $2,004.1
Facilities R&R RR3


Fleet R&R RR4 $3,735.4
Parks & Rec R&R RR5 $3,351.5
Information Technology R&R RR6 $1,490.2
Emerald Ash Borer Remediation R&R RR11 $118.0
St. Max Artificial Turf RR12 $466.4
Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) RR13 (-$45.0)
Total Tax Rate Funded Infrastructure Sustainability Reserves $28,696.3
Utility Rate Funded
Water RR8 $12,429.5
Wastewater RR9 $6,347.6
Stormwater RR10 $13,909.1
Total Utility Rate Funded Infrastructure Sustainability Reserves $32,686.2
Total Infrastructure Sustainability Reserves $61,382.5


B. Reserves for New Infrastructure
Development Charges Reserve Funds
 $000’sBylaw Schedule or ReferenceClosing Balance as of December 31, 2023
General Government

Fire Services ($2,203.3)
Parks & Recreation $3,069.4
Library Services $1,974.1
Municipal Parking Services $431.0
Roads & Related $14,357.2
Water $1,364.8
Sewers $1,750.3
Total Development Charges


Growth & New Capital Reserve NI1 $5,548.2
Studies & Other Capital Reserve NI2 $1,598.8
Dev/Sale of Municipal Lands NI3 $3,566.1
Cash in Lieu of Parkland NI4 $26,415.8
Cash in Lieu of Parking NI5 $43.5
Parks New Capital NI6 $734.5
Community Benefit Fee NI7 $410.0
Engineering Inspections Fees NI8 $2,413.6
Landscape Inspection Fees NI9 $2,570.4
Total New Infrastructure Reserves $64,487.3


C. Reserve Funds for Special Purposes
 $000’sBylaw Schedule or ReferenceClosing Balance as of December 31, 2023
Tax Rate Stabilization S1 $6,890.5
Election Reserve S2 $379.8
WSIB S3 $1,210.9
Winter Control Reserve S5 $855.4
Total Stabilization Reserves $9,336.6
Other Special Purposes Accounts
Trails Donations SP1 $127.9
Green Initiatives SP2 $374.6
Heritage Fund SP3 $342.8
Arts & Culture SP4 $32.8
Public Art SP5 $368.0
Parks & Rec Participant Sponsorship SP6 $113.4
Cenotaph Restoration SP7 $4.2
Recreation Sponsorships SP8 $635.2
John West Memorial Scholarship Award SP9 $30.9
Economic Development Reserve Fund SP10 $405.8
Building Department - Bill 124 SP11 $6,523.0
Aurora Sports Dome SP12 $587.6
Tree Compensation Fee Reserve SP13 $900.7
Hydro Sale Investment Reserve Fund By-law 5439-12 $33,253.5
Council Discretionary Reserve Fund By-law 5440-12 $41.2
Total Other Special Purposes $43,741.7
Total Special Purposes Reserves $53,078.3


D. Central York Fire Services Managed Reserve Funds
 $000’sBylaw Schedule or Reference Closing Balance as of December 31, 2023
Fire Services - General  n/a $375.1
Fire Services - Asset Replacement  n/a $830.0
Total CYFS Managed Reserve Funds   $1,205.0


E. Library Managed Reserve Funds
 $000’sBylaw Schedule or ReferenceClosing Balance as of December 31, 2023
Library Managed R & R LIB1 $915.9
Library Donation & Bequests LIB2 $47.9
Total Library Managed Reserve Funds   $963.8

*Balances reflect all processed reserve draws and contributions to date. In addition, Development Charges, Cash in lieu of Parkland, and the Other Special Purpose Reserve Funds reflect cash receipts to date.