The Aurora Promenade represents the foundation of Aurora's rich and proud history and its potential future. Centered on the historic heart at the intersection of the Town's two main streets, this area extends out to encompass a significant and unique part of this community that in many ways represents its very essence.  

The Aurora Promenade will build on its assets to evolve into a vibrant place to live, shop, work, and play. It will be inviting to stroll or pause along its entire length, encouraging people to experience it on foot or bicycle. The Aurora Promenade is the place the people of Aurora should want to call their 'downtown', 'main street' or 'heart.' This is where the community meets, interacts, celebrates, shops, and entertains. This is where guests are taken because it showcases the best that the Town has to offer and where visitors will want to come to experience sophisticated culture, in a small town setting.    

The policies for the Aurora Promenade can be found within Section 11 of the Town's Official Plan. The policies were developed based on the Aurora Promenade Concept Plan and will be further implemented through the proposed Streetscape Design & Implementation Plan.  

The Aurora Promenade Concept Plan - Urban Design Strategy

The policies of The Aurora Promenade Secondary Plan have been derived from and are meant to be read in concert with the Concept Plan - Urban Design Strategy.

The Aurora Promenade Streetscape Design & Implementation Plan  

The Aurora Promenade Concept Plan - Urban Design Strategy identifies the need to conduct a detailed Streetscape Design & Implementation Plan for key sections of Yonge and Wellington Streets, with the specific goal of accommodating redevelopment and integrating it with the established historic character.

The Plan sets out specific design recommendations for each different typology within each character area. The Plan includes recommendations for enhanced streetscapes,​ as well as design strategies for several focus areas, intersections and gateways. General furnishing and signage guidelines provide direction for property owners, as well as provide a guide for Town Staff when evaluating applications.

The Aurora Promenade Community Improvement Plan 

The Town of Aurora and their Consultants Sierra Planning & Management have prepared a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for the Aurora Promenade Area.

The CIP incentive programs were developed in consultation with the general public and local business and property owners. The CIP was designed to promote private property investment in the Aurora Promenade to help achieve the vision and objectives for the area as outlined in the 2010 Town of Aurora Official Plan and Aurora Promenade Urban Design Strategy. 



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