Sign Requirements

Sign permits are for the installation/alteration or construction of wall, ground and development signs under the provisions of the Sign Bylaw 5840-16.

Sign Bylaw

Sign (Consolidation) - By-law No. 6163.9

Sign application requirements
  • Completed Sign Permit Application Form
  • A fully dimensioned site plan, drawn to scale showing all property lines of the lot on which the sign is to be erected or altered and the location of all existing and proposed signs in relation to the lot lines, buildings and other structures. 
  • Plans and specifications drawn to scale showing sufficient detail to determine compliance with this by-law and the Ontario Building Code including location, size, height and graphics of all proposed and existing signs, construction materials and specifications respecting structural support and framework of the sign; plans and specifications are to be submitted in duplicate, unless otherwise stated.
  • Approval from the Ministry of Transportation for a sign that is within 400 metres of any provincial highway right of way. (if applicable)
  • Approval from conservation authorities having jurisdiction within the Town of Aurora for any ground sign within their regulated areas. (if applicable)
  • Approval from the Region for any sign that is fully or partially encroaching onto the Region’s property. (if applicable)
  • Payable at time of application by cheque, cash, debit, or credit card
  • All applications are to be submitted electronically
Sign Variance 

Where the proposed sign does not comply with one or more provisions of the Sign bylaw, the applicant may choose to submit an application requesting a variance from provision(s) of the Sign by-law: 

  • Completed Sign Variance Form​​
  • Payable at time of application by cheque, cash, debit, or credit card
  • All applications are to be submitted electronically

To schedule an inspection:

  1. As a registered user, you can schedule an inspection(s) through Portal.
  2. Email you request to or call 905-726-4778