Aurora Economic Development Corporation
The Aurora Economic Development Corporation ("AEDC") is a non-share, not-for-profit corporation, incorporated under the Business Corporations Act and Municipal Act, 2001. On behalf of the Council of the Town of Aurora, the AEDC provides strategic leadership and coordination of community economic development. The AEDC works with partners (provincial, regional and federal governments, community agencies, educational institutions and local businesses) to strengthen and diversify existing business, attract new business and investment, and coordinate strategic economic development initiatives within the community.
Current Board Members
Mayor Tom Mrakas
Councillor Rachel Gilliland
Marilee Harris (Chair)
Mae Khamissa (Vice Chair)
Tim Hammill (Past Chair)
Sep Assadian
Richard Gong
Owen Heritage
Bill Hogg
Nima Khadem-Mohtaram
Keith Loo
Tracy Smith
Founding Board Members
Mayor Tom Mrakas
Councillor Sandra Humfryes
Councillor Michael Thompson
Tim Hammill (Chair)
Marilee Harris (Vice Chair)
Vern Cunningham
Richard Gong
Steve Hinder
Mae Khamissa
Craig Youdale