Aurora is one of the first towns to launch a live Digital Twin - a real-time replica, 3D model of the Town. This new technology lets users explore Aurora digitally, visualize data, and simulate events such as weather changes, time of day, and much more at no cost.

Building the Digital Twin began in early 2023, in conjunction with the Town’s Official Plan review. Initially, the review utilized two-dimensional maps to project the Town's development and environmental planning through 2051. Now, with the approval of the Official Plan, the data has been transformed into this interactive tool where users can view existing assets, infrastructure, and apply conditions such as weather, air quality, and traffic, as well as eventually simulate the town's future.

“This Digital Twin tool modernizes and digitizes our Town’s Official Plan and has incredible potential as more data becomes available, including helping us make more informed decisions in planning and asset management,” said Mayor Tom Mrakas. “We want to encourage and foster innovation and help our local economy grow and we are excited to share the first phase of this unique tool with Aurora’s residents and businesses.”

As more data is added, the Aurora Digital Twin will help residents, investors and Town staff plan future development, manage assets and simulate environmental features.

Speaking on the broader impact, Raza Jafri, Founder and CEO of MetaWorldX, added, “In today’s landscape, municipalities must attract businesses and stay ahead of cutting-edge innovation. A digital twin provides a visual dashboard of critical data, allowing citizens and stakeholders to access information simply and effectively. This tool enhances decision-making, from city planning to day-to-day activities. Digital Twins offer the flexibility and clarity needed for proactive community growth and emergency preparedness. We commend Mayor Mrakas and the Town of Aurora for their bold approach to digital transformation.”

Experience Aurora’s Digital Twin: Visit

Listen to MetaWorldX’s ‘Twin Talk’ podcast: featuring Mayor Mrakas and Raza Jafri.