Charging forward with our plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Two pictures of a zamboni being driven on a skating rink

The Town of Aurora is introducing two new electric ice resurfacers as part of our ongoing work to electrify the Town Fleet.

The new ice resurfacers, equipped with lithium-ion batteries for quick charging, are replacing aging propane-powered machines, delivering zero emissions, cost savings, and improved air quality.

“This is a win-win for the Town and our residents,” said Mayor Mrakas. “These state-of-the-art vehicles mark a significant step towards reducing carbon emissions and promoting an eco-friendly atmosphere at the bustling Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) where the larger Ice Wolf will call home, and the Aurora Town Square outdoor ice pad, the new home of the smaller Bumblebee machine.”

The units are expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by around ten tonnes of CO2 emissions over their lifetime- providing cleaner air for athletes on the ice, spectators in the stands, and employees operating the unit.

When fully charged, the larger Ice Wolf will be capable of completing 4 to 6 floods before recharging, while the Bumblebee will recharge between floods. Each unit will have a lifetime of roughly 5000 hours or 8 to10 years.

The new electric ice resurfacers are part of the Town of Aurora’s ongoing work in greening operations and fighting climate change. It is one of the many initiatives that prioritizes low or zero- emissions technologies as part of the Green Fleet Strategy and Corporate Energy Plan helping us to reach our goal of reducing our overall community greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050.

To learn more about what we're doing to reduce our impact on climate change, please visit: