Aurora Town Square is committed to providing all guests with an excellent experience in an inclusive and accessible environment. We strive to remove barriers and ensure each guest has equal access and opportunity to enjoy The Square.
Assistive Devices |
Aurora Town Square can accommodate assistive devices, including wheelchairs, walkers, and oxygen tanks. If you wish to store your wheelchair, walker, or cane during a performance and sit in a standard theatre seat, please notify a member of our team. Guests may use their personal assistive device or borrow an assistive listening device from the Customer Service desk. |
Accessible Parking |
Designated accessible parking is available for permit holders. Please visit our Parking page for more information. |
Accessible Seating |
Wheelchair accessible seating is available to guests of Aurora Town Square. Please contact our Box Office at
905-841-7529 or 905-726-4770 to purchase accessible seats. |
Accessible and Universal Washrooms |
Washrooms and accessible washrooms at Aurora Town Square are universal. These shared spaces were designed with the safety and accessibility of our guests in mind. |
Service Animals |
Aurora Town Square welcomes guests with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal. Service animals are permitted in any area of The Square that is open to the public. We encourage our guests to notify the Box Office in advance at 905-841-7529 or 905-726-4770 if a service animal will be accompanying them at a performance. If it is not readily apparent that the animal is a service animal, Aurora Town Square employees may ask for a letter from a physician or nurse confirming that the animal is a service animal for a person with a disability. |
Support Persons |
Aurora Town Square welcomes guests with disabilities and their support person. In order to assist guests who require a support person, admission fees for ticketed events will be waived for one support person in conjunction with the purchase of a full-price ticket. Companion seating is also available, allowing the support person to sit next to or near a guest requiring accessible seating.
If you have any questions or accommodation requests, please connect with our Box Office at 905-841-7529 or 905-726-4770 and we will be happy to assist you.
If you require content in an alternate format or communications support, please email the Town's Accessibility Advisor or call 365-500-3172.